martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Days of the week - Word origins.


 SUNDAY:  Sunday is an anglo-Saxon name and means ¨day of the sun¨. It was dedicated to the Sun.

 MONDAY: Monday is from Old English Mondaeg   and means ¨day of the moon¨. It was dedicated to the Moon.

TUESDAY:  Tuesday is an Anglo-Saxon name honouring the god of war called Tiw. It is pronounced ¨tue¨. It was dedicated to Mars.

WEDNESDAY: Wednesday is an Anglo-Saxon name honouring the god ¨Odin¨ or ¨Woden¨. It was dedicated to Mercury.

THURSDAY:  Thursday is an Anglo Saxon name and means ¨day of thunder¨. It was dedicated to Jupiter.

FRIDAY:  Friday is from Old English Frigedaeg, and is named after the Norse goddess ¨Frigg¨who was the wife of Odin. It was dedicated to Venus.

SATURDAY: Saturday is named after the Roman god ¨Saturn¨.

SUNDAY:  Sunday is an anglo-Saxon name and means ¨day of the sun¨. It was dedicated to the Sun. 

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